H5P activities list

This book includes 225 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
61Passive TransportQuestion Set
62Active TransportQuestion Set
63Energy Needs of Living ThingsQuestion Set
64CC BY NC ND Brodie Guy 2018 https://www.flickr.com/photos/brodieguy/40166244435/in/photostream/ Nass Harbour, BC CanadaCollage
65DNAQuestion Set
66Protein SynthesisQuestion Set
67MutationsQuestion Set
68Regulation of Gene ExpressionQuestion Set
69Mendel's Experiments and Law of InheritanceQuestion Set
70Genetic of InheritanceQuestion Set
71Sexual Reproduction, Meiosis and GametogenesisQuestion Set
72Punnett Square PracticeDrag and Drop
73Red Green Colour Blindness PitfallsCollage
74Mendelian InheritanceQuestion Set
75Skin tones: Non-mendelian inheritanceCollage
76Non Mendelian InheritanceQuestion Set
77Gene CloningImage Sequencing
78Healthy and Diseased Potato Plant: Results of Genetic EngineeringCollage
79Genetic EngineeringQuestion Set
80Chapter 5 ReviewQuestion Set
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